Argo Wi-Fi Communicating Thermostat Discontinued - 12/06/2021

ECR International Inc.; formerly a BDR Thermea Group company; has been acquired by Granby Industries LP, division of TerraVest Industries Inc. As a result of the acquisition, the Argo branded communicating thermostat (Argo Wi-Fi thermostat) is no longer available for sale in the United States and Canadian markets.
If you currently have an Argo Wi-Fi thermostat installed in your home, the thermostat will continue to operate by manually turning the thermostat up or down to change your room temperature settings and control your heating system. The server used to operate the Argo Wi-Fi thermostat remotely will no longer be accessible to users in either the United States or Canada as of January 15th, 2022. This will result in a loss of connectivity and therefore, you will not be able to remotely operate or view the thermostat from your smart phone or tablet device.
Under the privacy policy of the Argo Wi-Fi thermostat, any of your data that currently rests on the server will be permanently deleted. No action is required by you if you choose to keep the Wi-Fi thermostat and operate it manually. If you would like to return the thermostat, ECR International Inc., will compensate you $100.00 upon return and receipt of your Argo Wi-Fi thermostat along with original proof of purchase.
Arrangements for returning your thermostat can be made by contacting the ECR International Customer Service Department at 1-315-797-1310.